Last Update March 29, 2024
English version
2025.01.03 IIT Kharagpur, India
- "Quasiconformal distortion of hyperbolic distances and its applications"
2025.01.12 Kanazawa, Japan, Conference on Riemann surfaces and discontinuous groups
- "A decomposition of M\"obius maps and its applications"
2025.01.20 Kyushu University, International Workshop on Conformal Dynamics and Loewner Theory 2025
- "Nonlinear resolvents of semigroups on unbounded convex domains"
2024.03.17 大阪公立大学, 日本数学会年会・函数論分科会
- "超幾何函数の普遍凸性について" (joint work with Li-Mei Wang, Chengfa Wu)
2024.09.03 大阪大学, 日本数学会秋季総合分科会・函数論分科会
- "Peschl-Minda derivatives and convergent Wick star products" (joint work with Michael Heins, Annika Moucha, Oliver Roth)
2024.10.11 早稲田大学, 早稲田双曲幾何幾何学的群論セミナー
- "クライン群と球面幾何学"
2024.11.11 東京科学大学, 東工大複素解析セミナー
- "Quasiconformal distortion of hyperbolic distances"
2024.12.02 University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
- "Semigroups of holomorphic self-maps of convex domains and their nonlinear resolvents"
2024.12.17 IIT Indore, India, ICSAMY 2024 (keynote talk with Matti Vuorinen)
- "Contributions of Professor Ponnusamy to Mathematics"
2024.12.20 IIT Indore, India, ICSAMY 2024 (plenary talk)
- "Uniformly perfect sets and conformal capacities"
2024.12.24 IIT Madras, Chennai, India
- "Harmonic spirallike functions and harmonic strongly starlike functions"
2024.12.27 Christ University, Bangalore, India, RMS 2024
- "Hypergeometric functions and Hausdorff moment sequences"
2023.01.08 大洲市民会館, Workshop: Quasi-conformal mappings, hyperbolic geometry and Riemann surfaces
- "Quasiconformal distortion of hyperbolic distances and its applications"
2023.01.31 University of Wurzburg, Germany
- "Uniform estimates of the hyperbolic distance of punctured spheres"
2023.02.12 大同大学, ポテンシャル論研究集会
- "Lower estimates of conformal capacities and uniformly perfect sets"
2023.02.16 オンライン,「リーマン面・不連続群論」研究集会
- "Ramanujan のモジュラー方程式へのフックス群によるアプローチ"
2023.06.22 Bar-Ilan University, Israel, Harmonic and Complex Analysis: Modern and Classical
- "Uniformly perfect sets and conformal capacities"
2023.06.25 BRAUDE College of Engineering, Israel
- "Harmonic spirallike functions and harmonic strongly starlike functions"
2023.08.18-19, IIT Madras, India, IWGFT 2023
- "Quasiconformal Mappings and Geometric Function Theory" (2 talks)
2023.08.22, Pondicherry University, India, 29th ICFIDCAA
- "Quasiconformal distortion of hyperbolic distances"
2023.10.04 Online, CAvid Seminar
- "A semigroup of holomorphic self-maps of a convex domain and its resolvents"
2023.12.01 Cluj-Napoca, Romania (Online), Geometric Function Theory in Several Complex Variables and Complex Banach Spaces
- "Existence of nonlinear resolvents for unbounded convex domains"
2023.12.09 新潟大学, 関数環研究集会
- "完全単調数列と超幾何函数"
2022.01.11 Valparaiso, Chile (online), CMFT 2021
- "Geometric approach to generalized modular equations"
2022.02.12 Online, ポテンシャル論研究集会
- "領域のモジュラス距離と境界点のMartio 条件について"
2022.08.31 東工大, 談話会
- "単連結領域の正則自己写像のなす半群とそのレゾルベント"
2022.09.13 北大, 日本数学会秋季総合分科会函数論分科会
- "一般化モジュラー方程式の解の幾何的導出について"
2022.09.24 University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland (Online), VIII International Conference "Congressio-Mathematica"
- "Harmonic spirallike functions and harmonic strongly starlike functions"
2022.10.04 Online, CAvid seminar
- "A semigroup of holomorphic self-maps of a convex domain and its resolvents"
2022.11.27 University of Turku, Finland, Turku Seminar
- "Quasiconformal distortion of hyperbolic distances and its applications"
2022.12.17 八戸市美術館, 等角写像・値分布論研究集会
- "Harmonic spirallike functions and harmonic strongly starlike functions"
2022.12.25 Huaqiao University (Online)
- "Uniform perfectness and capacity estimates"
2021.06.02 Gelendzhik, Russia (online), Complex Analysis and its Applications
- "Internal geometry and boundary structure of a domain"
2021.06.19 京都大学 (online), One-day Workshop on Applied and Computational Complex Analysis (ACCA2021)
- "等角写像の“指紋”と数値擬等角写像" (島内宏和氏との共同発表)
2021.10.27 Fields Institute, Canada (online), Workshop on Blaschke Products and Inner Functions
- "On the space of finite Blaschke products and the Schur algorithm"
2021.11.12 IIT Bhubaneswar, India (online), guest lecture in the course on “Functions of Several Variables”
- "Integration on manifolds"
2021.11.19 東京工業大学 (online), 東工大複素解析セミナー
- "Ramanujanのモジュラー方程式への幾何的アプローチ"
2021.12.03 Cluj-Napoca, Romania (online), Geometric Function Theory in Several Complex Variables and Complex Banach Spaces
- "Nonlinear resolvents for semigroups on the upper half-plane"
2020.02.05 Tohoku University, Workshop on Geometric Function Theory and Special Functions III
- "New quantities characterizing uniformly perfect sets"
2020.02.11 静岡県男女共同参画センターあざれあ, タイヒミュラー空間と双曲幾何学
- "一様完全性を特徴づける双曲計量を用いた新しい量について"
2020.11.10 京都産業大学, 数理科学科談話会
- "一様完全集合の距離的およびポテンシャル論的特徴づけについて"
2020.11.28 University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland (online), The VI International Conference "Congressio-Mathematica"
- "Coefficient estimates of the Riemann mapping functions"
2020.12.27 India (online), Pre-Conference Symposium on Complex Analysis, 35th Annual Conference of Ramanujan Mathematical Society
- "Conformally invariant metrics on Riemann surfaces and their applications"
2019.02.11 早稲田大学; 「リーマン面・不連続群論」研究集会
- "Uniform estimates of the hyperbolic distance of a punctured sphere"
2019.02.15 Tohoku University; Geometric Function Theory and Related Topics
- "On the space of finite Blaschke products"
2019.03.15 IIT Indore, India
- "Hypergeometric Functions in Geometric Function Theory"
2019.03.20 IIT Madras, India
- "Variants of Schwarz Lemma and their applications to concave functions"
2019.03.22 Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaaya, Kanchipuram, India; International Seminar on Complex Analysis
- "Conformal Mappings in the Complex Plane"
2019.04.30 Yonsei University, Korea
- “An integral representation of polylogarithms”
2019.06.10 University of Turku, Finland; 15th Romanian-Finnish Analysis Seminar
- "Schur parameters and the space of finite Blaschke products"
2019.06.14 Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- "Geometric properties of nonlinear resolvent for a semigroup of analytic self-maps of the unit disk"
2019.08.15 Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia; 27th ICFIDCAA
- "Separation theorems of Teichmüller type"
2019.11.22 Duke Kunshan University, China
- "Variants of Schwarz Lemma"
2019.12.13 University of Würzburg, Germany
- "Geometric properties of nonlinear resolvent for a semigroup of analytic self-maps of the unit disk"
2018.02.09 GSIS Tohoku University; Quasiconformal Mappings and Related Topics
- "Modulus estimates and their applications"
2018.04.13 Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, China
- "Hypergeometric Functions in Geometric Function Theory"
2018.04.17 Soochow University, Suzhou, China
- "Schwarzian derivative in Geometric Function Theory"
2018.05.27 Holon Institute of Technology, Israel, an internal seminar
- "Schur parameters and their applications in Geometric Function Theory"
2018.05.29 Holon Institute of Technology, Israel, Perspectives in Modern Analysis (plenary talk)
- "Aharonov invariants revisited"
2018.06.05 Complex Analysis and its Applications, Gelendzhik, Russia (plenary talk)
- "Refinments of Schwarz Lemma and their applications to concave functions"
2018.06.26 XIX Conference on Analytic Functions and Related Topics, Rzeszow, Poland (plenary talk)
- "The Schur parameters and their applications"
2018.07.13 26th ICFIDCAA, Fuzhou, China (invited talk)
- "Coefficient problems on bounded functions on the unit disk"
2018.07.15 Shantou University, China
- "Modulus techniques in higher dimensions"
2018.07.17 Huaqiao University, Xiamen, China
- "Multi-point Schwarz Lemma and its applications"
2018.08.22 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
- "Hyperbolic geometry of punctured spheres"
2018.09.24 岡山大学,日本数学会秋季総合分科会函数論分科会
- "双曲的穴あき球面の最短閉測地線の長さについて"
2018.10.24 Hengyang Normal University, China
- "The Schur parameters and coefficient estimates"
2018.10.25 Changsha University of Science and Technology, China
- "Estimates of hyperbolic distance in the punctured sphere"
2018.10.27 International Symposium on Geometric Function Theory 2018, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China
- "Nonlinear resolvent and inverse Löwner equations"
2018.11.22 広島複素解析セミナー, 広島大学理学部
- "正則函数のなす半群の生成函数の非線形レゾルベントの幾何的性質について"
2018.12.01 Conference on Function Algebras 2018, Kanazawa Medical University
- "Schur parameters and the space of finite Blaschke products"
2017.01.08 東北大学片平さくらホール; 「リーマン面・不連続群論」研究集会
- "Polygonal construction of Riemann surfaces and Teichmüller spaces"
2017.03.17 Huaqiao University, Xiamen, China
- "Quasiconformal extension of meromorphic functions with nonzero pole"
2017.03.19 Huaqiao Universty, Xiamen, China; Conference on harmonic mappings and quasiconformal mappings
- "An application of the Loewner theory to trivial Beltrami coefficients"
2017.06.01 ORT Braude College, Karmiel, Israel;
- "Multi-point Schwarz-Pick lemma and its applications"
2017.06.08 Holon Institute of Technology, Israel; Complex and Harmonic Analysis III
- "An application of the Loewner theory to trivial Beltrami coefficients"
2017.06.28 University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; 25th ICFIDCAA (invited talk)
- "onvexity of domains and its characterization with respect to various metrics"
2017.07.10 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland; CMFT 2017
- "Hyperbolic-type distance on punctured spheres"
2017.07.17 University of Rzeszow, Poland;
- "Coefficient estimates of concave functions"
2017.07.28 Tohoku University; Workshop on Geometric Function Theory and Special Functions II
- "Convex domains in various geometry"
2017.09.11 山形大学; 日本数学会秋季総合分科会函数論分科会
- "超幾何函数の幾何的性質について"
2017.09.11 山形大学; 日本数学会秋季総合分科会函数論分科会
- "双曲計量による領域の凸性の特徴づけ" (王利梅氏との共同研究)
2017.09.20 東京工業大学; ベルトラミ方程式勉強会 I
- "同相写像族の正規性と退化ベルトラミ方程式"
2017.10.16 東京大学数理科学研究科; 複素解析幾何セミナー
- "Characterizations of hyperbolically k-convex domains in terms of hyperbolic metric"
2017.10.17 東北大学理学部; 幾何学セミナー
- "双曲的 k-凸領域の双曲計量による特徴付けについて"
2017.11.04 Hokkaido University; Global properties in potential theory of continuous and discrete spaces
- "On the Liouville property and the Liouville equation"
2017.11.25 コラッセ福島; 「等角写像論・値分布論」合同研究集会
- "幾何学的函数論における超幾何函数"
2017.12.21 Department of Mathematics, Shenzhen University, China;
- "A conformally invariant metric on Riemann surfaces associated with quadratic differentials”
2017.12.22 Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China;
- “Estimation of systoles of punctured spheres and its application to hyperbolic distance”
2017.12.23 Guangzhou University, China;
- “Coefficient estimates of concave functions on the unit disk"
2017.12.25 Institute of Advanced Study, Shenzhen University, China;
- "Various refinements of Schwarz Lemma"
2016.01.19 Kyoto University, Kyoto; Second International ACCA-JP/UK Workshop
- "Computational approach to univalence and geometric properties of analytic functions"
2016.03.16 筑波大学, 日本数学会
- "シュワルツ微分の幾何と解析"(企画特別講演)
2016.06.24 Stoilov Institute, Bucharest, Romania; 14th Romanian-Finnish Seminar
- "Spirallikeness of hypergeometric functions"
2016.06.27 The State School of Higher Education in Chelm, Poland; XVIII-th Conference on Analytic Functions and Related Topics
- "Successive coefficients of convex functions on the unit disk"
2016.08.26 Tohoku University; Workshop on Geometric Function Theory and Special Functions
- On the modulus of the exterior of a quadrangle
2015.05.17 University of Cincinnati, USA; Modern Aspects of Complex Geometry
- "Uniform perfectness and convexity in spherical geometry"
2015.08.10 Kyungpook National University, Korea; Operator Theory and Its Applications
- "Hornich operations and related function spaces"
2015.08.24 Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka; 23rd ICFIDCAA
- "Hyperbolic-type distance on punctured spheres"
2015.08.05-06 あだたらふれあいセンター, 二本松市; 第50回函数論サマーセミナー
- "de BrangesによるBieberbach予想の証明とその応用 (Proof of Bieberbach conjecture by de Branges and its application) I, II"
2014.06.30 The State School of Higher Education in Chelm, Poland; XVII-th Conference on Analytic Functions and Related Topics
- "A note on trivial Beltrami coefficients"
2014.07.04 University of Rzeszow, Poland; Workshop on Analytic Functions and Applied Mathematics
- "Variability regions of log[f(z)/z] for a class of univalent functions with application to some extremal problems"
2014.07.29 University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Workshop on Complex Geometry
- "Hyperbolic metric with conic singularities on Riemann surfaces and its applications"
2014.08.08 Dongguk University, Korea; 22nd ICFIDCAA
- "Extremal problems for close-to-convex functions"
2014.11.22 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo; International Workshop on Conformal Dynamics and Loewner Theory
- "An application of the Loewner theory to trivial Beltrami coefficients"
2013.03.08 東北大 第1回RCPAM国際シンポジウム Exploring New Frontiers of Pure and Applied Mathematics
- "On the hyperbolic metric on a Riemann surface with conical singularities"
2013.03.28 POSTECH, Korea; GAIA Seminar
- "Generalizations of Schwarzian derivative"
2013.06.13 Shantou University, China; CMFT 2013
- "Univalence criteria in terms of |zf'(z)/f(z)|"
2013.06.16 Nanjing University, China; 21th ICFIDCAA
- "Hyperbolic metric on a Riemann surface with conical singularities"
2013.06.23 東工大; Analysis and Geometry of Riemann Surfaces and Related Topics
- "Hyperbolic metric on a Riemann surface with conical singularities"
2013.08.14 University of Turku, Finland; The 2nd Chinese-Finnish Seminar
- "Schwarz-Christoffel formula for the exterior of a quadrangle"
2013.09.10 東北大 第2回RCPAM国際シンポジウム Geometric Function Theory and Applications in Sendai
- "Variability regions of close-to-convex functions"
2013.10.24 University of Belgrade, Serbia; Conference on Geometric Function Theory
- "An attempt to characterize quasidisks in terms of zf'(z)/f(z)"
2012.05.08 東工大 複素解析セミナー
- "シュワルツ微分の高次拡張について"
2012.06.27 Ploieşti, Romania;
International Conference on Complex Analysis and Related Topics
- "On power deformations of a univalent function"
2012.07.04 Krakow, Poland;
Satellite Thematic Session "Quasiconformal mappings and complex dynamical systems", in 6th European Congress of Mathematics
- "Quasiconformal extension of strongly spirallike functions"
2012.08.02 Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam; 20th ICFIDCAA
- "Generalizations of the Schwarzian derivative" (plenary talk)
2012.09.18 九州大学 日本数学会
- "シュワルツ微分の一般化 〜不変化と高階化を目指して〜" (特別講演)
2012.10.27 東工大 等角写像論・値分布論合同研究集会
- "Univalence of power deformations of a non-vanishing analytic functions"
2011.09.19 Yonsei University, Korea; Colloquium
- "Some geometric properties of polylogarithms"
2011.12.14 Aster Plaza, Hiroshima; 19th ICFIDCAA
- "Power deformations of univalent functions"
2010.02.12-13 東北大学鳴子会館 Loewner方程式とSLE
- "Loewner方程式とSLE: Overview" pdf
- "Loewner方程式の応用について" pdf
2010.02.20 秋田大学 日本数学会東北支部会
- "Hausdorff モーメント問題への複素解析的アプローチ"(特別講演)
2010.08.11-12 IIT Madras, India; International Workshop on Harmonic and Quasiconformal Mappings
- "Modulus techniques in geometric function theory" (I and II) pdf
2010.08.15 University of Macau, China; 18th ICFIDCAA
- "On boundary regularity of solutions to degenerate Beltrami equations" (main talk)
2010.09.09 University of Turku, Finland; Analysis Seminar
- "On hyperbolic metric of the sphere with four conic singularities"
2010.09.13 University of Helsinki, Finland; Analysis Seminar
- "Modulus techniques in the study of boundary behaviour"
2009.01.15 東北大学情報科学談話会
- "数列の解析と複素解析学"
2009.05.12-15 山形大学理学部・集中講義
- 幾何学的函数論
2009.06.12 Bilkent University, Turkey; CMFT 2009
- "Hardy spaces and geometric aspects of plane domains" (joint work with Yong Chan Kim)
2009.06.23 東北大学数学教室 幾何セミナー
- "射影構造を持つリーマン面上の等角計量に付随する不変量と高階シュワルツ微分" (joint work with Seong-A Kim)
2009.08.18 University of Turku, Finland; International Conference on Complex Analysis and Related Topics (The 12th Romanian-Finnish Seminar)
- "Invariant Schwarzian derivative of higher order and its applications" (joint work with Seong-A Kim)
2009.11.06 Nałęczów, Poland; XV-th International Conference on Mathematics, Informatics and Related Fields
- "Correspondence between spirallike functions and starlike functions"
2009.12.06 東北大学大学院情報科学研究科 等角写像論・値分布論合同研究集会
- "Hyperbolic metric on the Riemann sphere with three conical singularities and its applications" (joint work with D. Kraus and O. Roth)
2008.06.23 東北大学理学部数学教室談話会
- "1次元タイヒミュラー空間のBers埋め込みの形状について"
2008.07.31 Dongguk University, Korea; 16th ICFIDCAA
- "Hyperbolic metric and hypergeometric functions" (with G.D.Anderson, M.K.Vamanamurthy and M.Vuorinen)
2008.11.02 秋田市カレッジプラザ; 2008年度ポテンシャル論研究集会
- "平面領域のポテンシャル論的性質とHardy空間"
2008.11.28 Universität Würzburg, Germany; Workshop "Funktionentheorie"
- "Higher order Schwarzian derivatives and their applications to univalence criteria" (joint work with Seong-A Kim)
2008.12.31 POSTECH, Korea
- "Geometric invariants associated with projective structures and univalence criteria" (joint work with Seong-A Kim)
2007.02.02 島根大学 リーマン面・不連続群論合同研究集会
- "2次微分に付随するリーマン面上の計量について"
2007.05.17 数理解析研究所 幾何学的単葉関数論の研究
- "On Bazilevic functions" (with Yong Chan Kim)
2007.08.02 大阪市立大学 15th ICFIDCAA
- "Uniformly locally univalent functions and Hardy spaces" (with Yong Chan Kim)
2007.08.28 University of Helsinki, Finland; Finland-Japan Joint Seminar on Analysis
- "Uniformly perfect sets and Hardy spaces"
2007.09.05 Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland
- "Uniformly perfect sets and Hardy spaces"
2007.09.23 東北大学 日本数学会秋季総合分科会函数論分科会
- "Hypergeometric functions and hyperbolic metric" (with G. D. Anderson, M. K. Vamanamurthy and M. Vuorinen)
2006.01.02 Pondicherry, India; International Conference on Geometric Function Theory, Special Functions and Applications
- "Circular width of a plane domain and its applications"
2006.01.09 Harish-Chandra Research Institute, India; International Workshop on Teichmüller Theory and Moduli Problems
- "Cardioids and Teichmüller spaces"
2006.01.17 京都大学理学部 函数論セミナー
- "Invariant differential operators on Riemann surfaces" (joint work with Seong-A Kim)
2006.01.31 奈良女子大学理学部 リーマン面・不連続群論研究集会
- "On the limiting shape of Teichmüller spaces"
2006.02.22 広島大学理学部 Mini-Workshop on Geometric Function Theory
- "Circular width of a plane domain and its applications to univalence criteria for meromorphic functions"
2006.05.18 数理解析研究所 単葉函数論における微積分作用素の考察
- "On the Löwner inequality"
2006.07.02 State University in Chelm, Poland; XII th Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science
- "Hausdorff moment problem and polylogarithm"
2006.08.04 Hue University, Vietnam; 14th ICFIDCAA
- "Hausdorff moment problem and polylogarithm"
2006.09.20 大阪市立大学 日本数学会秋季総合分科会函数論分科会
- "Hausdorff moment problem and polylogarithm"
- "Cardioid and one-dimensional Teichmüller spaces"
2006.09.22 Pusan National University, Korea; The 2006 International Conference on Real and Complex Analysis
- "Geometric function theory and Smale’s mean value conjecture" (joint work with Ege Fujikawa)
2006.10.02-06 北海道大学理学部 集中講義
- "平面擬等角写像入門"
2006.11.17 岡山大学理学部 談話会
- "実部が正の微分を持つ解析函数について"
2006.12.3 広島大学 等角写像論・値分布論合同研究集会
- "Hausdorff moment problem and polylogarithms"
2006.12.13 広島大学 Finland-Japan Joint Seminar on Analysis
- "Hausdorff moment problem and geometric function theory"
2005.05.20 数理解析研究所 単葉関数論における坂口関数とその応用
- "Strongly starlikeness and strongly convexity" (joint work with S. Kanas)
2005.06.16 University of Joensuu, Finland; Computational Methods and Function Theory 2005
- "Circular widths of plane domains" (joint work with Yong Chan Kim)
2005.06.24 Korea University, Korea; International Workshop on Function Theorey 2005
- "Invariant differential operators and their applications" (joint work with Seong-A Kim)
2005.09.10 大阪市立大学 Workshop on Quasiconformal Mappings and Discrete Groups
- "Boundary continuity of a homeomorphism of a plane domain"
2005.09.19 岡山大学 日本数学会秋季総合分科会幾何学分科会
- "等角計量を持つリーマン面上の不変微分作用素について" (joint work with Seong-A Kim)
2005.09.21 岡山大学 日本数学会秋季総合分科会函数論分科会
- "楕円内部の等角表現について" (joint work with S. Kanas)
2005.09.30 Kyungpook National University, Korea; Colloquium
- "Refinements of Schwarz's lemma"
2005.10.18 東京工業大学 函数論セミナー
- "Invariant differential operators on Riemann surfaces with conformal metrics" (joint work with Seong-A Kim)
2005.10.26 日本工業大学 値分布理論・等角写像論合同研究集会
- "Conformal representations of the interior of an ellipse" (joint work with S. Kanas)
2005.11.07-08 山形大学大学院理学研究科 集中講義
- "双曲計量とその応用について"
2005.11.21 University of Helsinki, Finland; Analysis Seminar
- "Invariant differential operators on Riemann surfaces" (joint work with Seong-A Kim)
2005.12.31 IIT Madras, India; International Workshop on Quasiconformal Mappings and Related Topics
- "The universal Teichmüller space and related topics"
2004.03.18 Colloquium, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
- "Hyperbolic metric on Riemann surafaces"
2004.03.19 Ramanujan Institute, India
- "Basic properties of uniformly perfect sets"
2004.03.31 Chennai Mathematical Institute, India
- "On degenerate Beltrami equations"
2004.04.01 Colloquium, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Madras, India
- "Characterization of hyperbolically convex regions"
2004.06.08 京都大学理学部,函数論セミナー
- "Dieudonnéの補題に付随する極大作用素"
2004.06.10 数理解析研究所 単葉関数論における係数不等式とその周辺
- "On univalence criteria for meromorphic functions"
2004.07.28 国際基督教大学 The 12th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications
- "A refined notion of perfectness and potential theory"
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2004.08.09 Yeungnam Univ., Korea, International Conference on Real and Complex Analysis
- "A conformal invariant for non-vanishing analytic functions"
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2004.09.07-10 高知大学理学部 集中講義
- "単葉函数論入門"
2004.09.07 高知大学理学部 談話会
- "A conformal invariant for non-vanishing analytic functions"
2004.09.19 北海道大学理学部 日本数学会秋期総合分科会函数論分科会
- "A maximal operator associated with Dieudonné's lemma"
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2004.10.26-29 静岡大学理学部 集中講義
- "平面擬等角写像論"
2004.10.27 静岡大学理学部 談話会
- "平面領域の環状幅(circular width)とその応用"
2004.11.08 金沢大学サテライトプラザ 値分布理論・等角写像論合同研究集会
- "平面領域の環状幅(circular width)とその応用"
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2004.12.13 広島大学学士会館 The Eighth Conference on Real and Complex Analysis
- "On conformal mappings onto the inside of an ellipse" (joint work with S. Kanas)
2003.01.07 国際自然科学研究所(倉敷)
- "Hyperbolic metric and hypergeometric functions"
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2003.01.20 名古屋大学 解析幾何セミナー
- Some inequaities for the Poincaré metric of plane domains
2003.03.07 数理解析研究所 単葉関数論における微分作用素および積分作用素についての統一的研究
- "A linear structure on the set of locally univalent functions"
2003.05.13 大阪市立大学 研究集会「擬等角写像とその周辺」
- "Topics around strongly starlike functions"
dvi (View it in landscape mode with the following 4 bmb files;
graph2.bmb, ma.bmb, nest.bmb, va.bmb)
2003.07.07-11 東京工業大学 集中講義
- "平面擬等角写像論"
2003.07.07 東京工業大学 談話会
- "円環領域のmodulusと同相写像族のコンパクト性判定法"
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2003.07.15 京都大学 函数論セミナー
- "Modulus distortion for annuli and quasiconformal mappings"
2003.07.29 Chiang Mai, Thailand, The 11th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications
- "Geometric properties of functions with small Schwarzian derivatives" (Plenary talk)
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2003.09.03 数理解析研究所 単葉関数論における微積分作用素の応用についての研究
- "On positivity of Taylor coefficients of conformal maps"
2003.09.11 数理解析研究所 微分方程式と力学系における数論的現象の研究
- "Monodromies of Schwarzian differential equations of a certain type"
2003.09.26 千葉大学 日本数学会秋期総合分科会・函数論分科会
- "Characterizations of hyperbolically convex regions" (with Seong-A Kim)
2003.11.13 山形大学 リーマン面・不連続群論
- "Characterizations of hyperbolically convex regions" (with Seong-A Kim)
2003.12.05 山口大学工学部 値分布理論・等角写像論
- "Geometric properties of functions with small Schwarzian derivative" (with Ji-A Kim)
2003.12.08 数理解析研究所 双曲空間に関連する研究とその展望II
- "On hyperbolic calculus"
2002.02.18-22 ヘルシンキ大学 Preliminary Course on Complex Dynamics
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2002.03.28 明治大学(駿河台) 日本数学会年会・函数論分科会
- 特別講演 "退化Beltrami方程式 〜古典的アプローチ〜"
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2002.04.16 京都大学 函数論セミナー
- "Some inequaities for the Poincaré metric of plane domains "
2002.05.21 東京工業大学 函数論セミナー
- "平面領域の双曲計量:評価とその応用"
2002.07.04 数理解析研究所 ポテンシャル論とその周辺
- "ある密性条件を満たす集合の一般化容量の評価"
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2002.07.29 Silla University (Korea), The 10th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications (Plenary talk)
- "Poincaré metric and the induced distance of plane domains"
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2002.08.10 京都工芸繊維大学 ICM2002 Joint Satellite Conference "Complex Analysis" with Shanghai, Kyoto Part
- "On the Bers embedded Teichmüller space of a Riemann surface of type (0,4)"
2002.09.07 富士教育研修所 函数論サマーセミナー
- "局所単葉函数族の線型構造について"
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2002.09.25 島根大学 日本数学会秋期総合分科会・函数論分科会
- "On Lipschitz continuity of quasiconformal mappings"
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- "Some inequalities for the Poincaré metric of plane domains"
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2002.10.29 日本工業大学 値分布論・等角写像論合同研究集会
- "On conformal mappings onto the interior of conic sections (円錐曲線の内部への等角写像について)"
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2002.11.8-11 POSTECH(韓国) 連続講義
- 11.8 "Locally univalent functions and Schwarzian derivatives"
- 11.9 "Schwarz lemma and its application to Fekete-Szegö problem"
- 11.11 "Unified approach to conformally invariant metrics on Riemann surfaces"
2002.11.30 奈良女子大学 トポロジーとコンピュータ
- "錐特異性を持つリーマン面のタイヒミュラー空間のベアス埋め込み − 実験的アプローチ −"
2002.12.07 ヘルシンキ大学 Ville Heikkala氏の学位審査
- opponentとして出席
2002.12.17 広島大学 The Sixth Conference of Real and Complex Analysis
- "On the refinement of Schwarz's lemma"
2001.01.12 New Orleans (USA) アメリカ数学会年会:AMS Special Session on Computational Algebraic Geometry for Curves and Surfaces
- "Computation of monodromies and Bers embedded Teichmüller spaces for once punctured tori" (小森洋平氏、山下靖氏、和田昌明氏との共同研究)
2001.01.29 ヘルシンキ大学 Analysis Seminar
- "Uniformly perfect sets and distortion of holomorphic functions (J.-H. Zheng's work)"
2001.03.05 ヘルシンキ大学 Analysis Seminar
- "The boundary behaviour of hyperbolic metric of a plane domain"
2001.05.12 京都大学 函数論セミナー
- "On the degenerate Beltrami equation"
2001.09.17 ヘルシンキ大学 Analysis Seminar
- "Density conditions, Hausdorff measures, and generalized capacities"
2001.09.24 ヘルシンキ大学 Analysis Seminar
- "Topics on quasiconformal maps"
2001.11.28 Technical University of Rzeszów (Poland) Seminar
- "Hornich operation and integral operators"
2000.01.12 大阪市大 クライン群とリーマン面の研究集会
- "A conformally invariant metric on Riemann surfaces associated with integrable holomorphic quadratic differentials"
2000.03. 早稲田大学 日本数学会年会・函数論分科会
- "A conformally invariant metric on Riemann surfaces associated with integrable holomorphic quadratic differentials"
- "A remark on Ahlfors' univalence criterion and its application"
2000.05.08 ヘルシンキ大学 Analysis Seminar
- "Survey on uniform perfectness"
2000.05.22 ヘルシンキ大学 Analysis Seminar
- "A remark on the Ahlfors-Lehto univalence criterion"
2000.08.09 University of Helsinki (Finland) Nevanlinna Colloquium (invited talk)
- "The Bers embedding of one-dimensional Teichmüller spaces"
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2000.09.11 ヘルシンキ大学 Analysis Seminar
- "Hölder continuity of solutions of the Dirichlet problem"
2000.09.25 ヘルシンキ大学 Analysis Seminar
- "Estimates of the hyperbolic metric"
2000.11.07 Technical University of Rzeszów (Poland) Colloquium
- "Unifying approach to the Fekete-Szegö problem"
2000.11.09 Iwonicz (Poland) The VII-th Environmental Mathematical Conference
- "Lower estimates of the hyperbolic metric of plane domains"
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1999.03.16 数理解析研究所 短期共同研究:解析関数の部分和の性質についての研究
- "Norm estimates of the pre-Schwarzian derivatives for certain classes of univalent functions"
1999.03.27 学習院大学 日本数学会年会 函数論分科会
- "Norm estimates of the pre-Schwarzian derivatives for certain classes of univalent functions"
1999.06.09 KKR伊豆長岡千歳荘 普遍タイヒミューラー空間の幾何とトポロジー
- “普遍Teichmüller空間について(survey)”
1999.06.18 University College Dublin (Ireland) Dublin Area Mathematical Colloquium
- “Estimation of harmonic measures with an application to a regularity problem”
1999.07.16 金沢大学工学部 函数論シンポジウム
- “局所調和測度の評価およびそのDirichlet問題の境界正則性への応用”
1999.07.29 湯河原温泉万葉荘 函数論サマーセミナー
- “函数論に現れる様々な等角不変計量および距離について”
1999.08.18 福岡工業大学 ISAAC 99
- "A conformally invariant metric on Riemann surfaces associated with quadratic differentials"
1999.09.30 広島大学理学部 日本数学会秋季総合分科会・函数論分科会
- "Estimates of harmonic measures with an application to boundary regularity"
- "On computing the Bers bondary of the Teichmüller space of a once-punctured torus"(小森洋平氏との共同研究)
1999.10.06 京都大学数理解析研究所 複素力学系と諸関連分野の総合的研究
- "Visualizing the Bers embedding of the Teichmüller space of a once-punctured torus"(小森洋平氏との共同研究)
1999.10.18 嶺南大学校(Yeungnam University, Korea) Korea-Japan seminar on Complex Analysis
- "A remark on Ahlfors' univalence criterion"
1999.12.21 京都大学数理解析研究所 単葉函数論の歴史的定理の新展開について
- "An application of Ahlfors' univalence criterion"
1998.01.13 奈良女子大学 The Classification of Punctured-Torus Groups (Minskyの論文の勉強会)
- "Connectivity and a-priori bounds"
- "Controlled surfaces and building blocks (I, II)"
- "Proof of the pivot theorem"
1998.03.10 京都大学数理解析研究所 複素関数論の微分方程式への応用
- "Growth and coefficient estimates for uniformly locally univalent functions on the unit disk"
1998.03.27 名城大学 日本数学会年会 函数論分科会
- "A lower estimate of hyperbolic metric by Green's function"
1998.03.28 名城大学 日本数学会年会 幾何学分科会
- "On the bottom of the spectrum of a Riemann surface of infinite topological type" dvi
1998.07.28 Andong National University (Korea), The Sixth International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis
- "Growth and coefficient estimates for uniformly locally univalent functions on the unit disk"
1998.08.04 筑波大学 第45回幾何学シンポジウム
- "On the bottom of the spectrum of a Riemann surface of infinite topological type"
1998.08.26 Berlin TU, ICM98 (Germany), in short communication
- "An explicit bound for uniform perfectness of Julia sets"
1998.09.02 Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (Poland), XII-th Conference on Analytic Functions
- "Holomorphic motion and quasiconformal extension"
1998.10.01 大阪大学 日本数学会秋季総合分科会 函数論分科会
- "Growth and coefficient estimates for uniformly locally univalent functions on the unit disk"
- "On Höolder continuity of Green's function"
- "Holomorphic motions and quasiconformal extension"
1998.10.07 数理解析研究所 共同研究集会:複素力学系の研究〜現状と展望〜
- "Hausdorff dimension and conformal dynamics III: Computation of dimension" (C. McMullenの論文紹介)
1998.11.05 金沢大学 値分布論、等角写像論合同研究集会
- "Norm estimate of pre-Schwarzian derivatives for various classes of univalent functions and its applications"
1998.11.13 京都産業大学 ポテンシャル論研究集会
- "On the Hölder continuity of Green's function"
1998.12.02 名古屋大学 Analytic Properties of Riemann surfaces and Moduli spaces
- "Holomorphic motions and its applications to quasiconformal mappings"
1998.12.03 名古屋大学 リーマン面・不連続群論
- "1次元Teichmüller空間のBers埋め込みについて" (小森 洋平 氏との共同研究)
1998.12.16 数理解析研究所 共同研究集会:双曲空間とその関連分野
- "リボングラフの双曲的2-orbifoldの分岐特異点解消への応用について"
1998.12.22 三重県伊勢市 Japan-Korea Seminar on Complex Analysis
- "Pre-Schwarzian derivatives and the universal Teichmüller space"
京都大学数理解析研究所 Convolutionの新しい展開
- “λ-lemmaの擬等角拡張性への応用”
1997.04.03 信州大学 日本数学会年会 函数論分科会
- “Uniform perfectness of limit sets of Kleinian groups”
- “Uniform perfectness of Julia sets of rational functions”
1997.05.09 京都工芸繊維大学 幾何学的函数論研究集会
- “Uniform perfectness and related topics”
1997.05.30 城西大学 非線形解析とその応用〜複素力学系〜
- “Julia集合の一様完全性の具体的評価について”
1997.06.18 お茶の水女子大学 ハウスドルフ次元:計算へのアプローチ
- “Hausdorff dimension and uniform perfectness”
1997.07.02 京都大学数理解析研究所 多変数函数論にあらわれる解析と幾何
- “On modulatedness of Riemann surfaces and related topics”
1997.07.14 和歌山大学 函数論シンポジウム
- “被覆写像と一様完全性”
1997.08 Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, XVIIth Rolf Nevanlinna Colloquim, in poster session
- "Explicit estimates of uniform perfectness and its applications"
1997.08.28 北京大学 (China) The Fifth International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis
- “On uniform perfectness of limit sets of Kleinian groups and Julia sets of rational functions”
1997.09.16 北海道大学 リーマン面に関連する位相幾何学
- “Spectra of open Riemann surfaces”
1997.10.02 東京大学 日本数学会秋季総合分科会 函数論分科会
- “The bottom of the spectrum of an open Riemann surface”
- “The metric geometry of hyperbolic Riemann orbifolds”
1997.10.06 京都大学数理解析研究所 複素力学系の諸問題
- “有理函数のJulia集合の一様完全性について”
1997.11.26 加計国際学術交流センター リーマン面・不連続群論
- “The metric geometry of a hyperbolic 2-orbifold”
1997.12.12 慶北大学校 (Korea) '97 Complex Analysis and Applications International Work shop
- "On the norm of pre-Schwarzian derivatives of strongly starlike functions"
1997.12.15 京都大学数理解析研究所 Analysis and Geometry of Hyperbolic Spaces
- "A geometric proof of Selberg's lemma"
1996.01.08,09 大同工大 「単葉性に係わる諸相」研究集会
- “種々の単葉性条件について(1,2)”
1996.09.15 都立大学 日本数学会1996年度秋季総合分科会 函数論分科会
- “On modulated Riemann surfaces”
1996.11.21 東工大 「リーマン面・不連続群論」研究集会
- “Uniform perfectness of the limit set of Kleinian groups”
1996.11.22 東工大 Quasi-regular maps
- “quasiregular maps and uniformly perfect sets of Rn”(Järvi-Vuorinenの論文紹介)
1996.12.06 京都大学数理解析研究所 Analysis of Discrete Groups II
- “Uniform perfectness of limit sets of Kleinian groups”
1996.12.11 大阪市大文化交流センター Teichmüller Spaces and Complex Analysis
- “The Bers embedding of Teichmüller spaces of Fuchsian groups of the second kind”
1995.08 University of Joensuu, XVIth Rolf Nevanlinna Colloquium, in poster session
- "On the schlicht projective structures on compact bordered Riemann surfaces with non-empty boundary"
1995.09.18 京都大学数理解析研究所 複素力学系に関する諸問題
- “複素力学系入門II”
1995.09.28 東北大学 日本数学会1995年度秋季総合分科会 函数論分科会
- “一様完全性を特徴付ける種々の領域定数について”
- 特別講演“無限次元Teichmüller空間の境界について”
1995.11.17 山口大学 「リーマン面」「クライン群論」合同研究集会
- “一様完全領域の幾何学的諸相”
1995.12.12 京都大学数理解析研究所 Analysis of Discrete Groups
- “リーマン面の一様完全性とlength spectrum”
1994.01. 数理解析研究所 双曲的三次元多様体の複素解析
- “Schottky 型 Fuchs 群の Teichmüller 空間と単葉函数の Schwarz 微分について”
1994.03. 神戸大学理学部 日本数学会・年会 函数論分科会
- “Schottky 型 Fuchs 群の Teichmüller 空間について”
1994.09. 数理解析研究所 Circle Packingの幾何学
- “An estimate for hexagonal circle packings”(He-Schrammの論文解説)
1993.3.28 中央大学理工学部 日本数学会年会函数論分科会
- “正則函数の融合とそのSchwarz微分のノルム評価”
1993.11.18 静岡大学理学部
- “第2種有限生成純双曲的Fuchs群のTeichmüller空間について”
1993.11.26 京都産業大学 リーマン面論・クライン群論合同研究集会
- “Schottky 型 Fuchs 群に対する予想:Int S(Γ)=T(Γ)について”
1993.12. 大阪市立大学文化交流センター コンパクトリーマン面のスペクトル幾何学
- “The Size of Isospectral Families”(Buserの本の解説)
1992.01. 東京工業大学 解析写像の研究
- “Schwarz 微分のノルム評価に関する若干の注意”
1992.04. 福岡大学理学部 日本数学会・年会 函数論分科会
- “稠密な開集合に対する Bers projection とその応用”
1992.07. 富山大学理学部 函数論シンポジウム
- “第2種有限生成 Fuchs 群の Teichmüller 空間と単葉函数の Schwarz 微分について”
1992.10. 大阪市立大学文化交流センター タイヒミュラー空間と調和写像
- “2次元リーマン多様体の等角表現”(Jostの本の紹介)
1990.01 東京工業大学 Riemann面論・Klein群論研究集会
- “Gehring及びFlinnの結果の一般化について”
1990.05 数理解析研究所 Teichmüller
- “The bundle Q → Tg”
1990.08. 京都大学理学部 Informal Seminar on Teichmüller spaces and related topics
- “The Bers conjecture for the Fuchsian groups of the second kind”
1990.09. 埼玉大学 日本数学会・秋期総合分科会 函数論分科会
- “第2種Fuchs群に対するBers予想について”
1990.11. 広島大学理学部 リーマン面論・クライン群論合同研究集会
- “2次微分の幾何学的極限”(McMullenの論文解説)